At a moving ceremony at Southampton Institute carried out on October 7th four students received the first part of their annual bursary from the Lisa Wilson Scholarship Award. The bursaries were presented by Lisa’s mum Tricia Wilson who was joined by her husband Clive and her brothers Scott and Ross along with Kelly Wilson, Lisa’s sister-in-law. Around twenty people attended the ceremony including Geeta Uppal, Widening Participation Officer from the Institute, who has given so much to the organisation of these awards. Tom Thomas Dean of Southampton Institute Business School said a few words about the Fund and the benefits it would bring to students and introduced Clive Wilson who wished the students every success; he said “Lisa would be proud to know that she had helped these students further their education and achieve their University dream just like she had done.”

Pictured from left to right, Kirsty Baulcomb, Charlotte Field, Clive and Tricia Wilson, Lucie Jones and James Denyer.
First recipients of the Lisa Wilson Scholarship Award.