The Lisa Wilson Scholarship Fund awards more than 100 bursaries
An article about the charity and Clive’s new book has just been published in the Salisbury Journal.
You can read it here>>
An article about the charity and Clive’s new book has just been published in the Salisbury Journal.
You can read it here>>
The night of the charity event to celebrate what would have been Lisa’s 40th birthday, her father Clive was invited to BBC Solent studios to take part in an interview about the charity and outline the goals and accomplishments of The Lisa Wilson Scholarship fund, and of course talk about Lisa. He did a stand up job and we’re all sure Lisa would have been proud to see him represent the work he and her mother Trish have accomplished over the years in her name.
Saturday’s edition of the Daily Echo carried an article about the Class of ’95 Reunion taking place on Nov 21st.
To read the feature follow the link > Class reunion pays tribute to former Hownsdown pupils
Lisa’s charity hit the front page of the Daily Echo on Friday after raising £250,000.
The full article can be read online here: Legacy of Lisa Wilson is 250 years of education