Nine students have recently continued on at Southampton into their second and third years and were awarded their bursaries accordingly; they were Tom Dowsett, Cherie Cross, Kirsty Anne Smithers, Kate Hayne, Denise Mutoni, Vanessa Langlais, Naomi Jane Linton, Kayleigh Doughty and Kemal Omag. This brings the number of students in university this year to fourteen and the total to receive bursaries to date to twenty seven.
Eight new bursaries granted
Following a record number of scholarship applications this year eight bursaries have been granted. On Wednesday 18th October nearly fifty people were at Southampton Solent University to see a record number of recipients being awarded the Lisa Wilson Scholarship Award. Along with the students there were many parents and staff from the university and visitors from other feeder colleges. This years bursaries were awarded to; Liberty Allen, Cherie Cross, Tom Dowsett, Ali Lanani, Vanessa Dionne-Marie Langlais, Naomi Jane Linton, Denise Mutoni and Kirsty Anne Smithers.

The Lisa Wilson Scholarship Award recipients for 2006
Geeta Uppal introduced Clive Wilson who spoke about Lisa and showed a dvd produced by Lisa’s brother Ross called ‘Lisa’s Dream’ which was a pictorial tribute of Lisa’s photo journal on her trip around the world that so sadly ended in tragedy. Then an animated dvd also produced by Ross showed how the amazing total of £100,000

Fund reaches £87,500
The amount of money now raised on behalf of the charity has now exceeded £87,500. Following the successful fundraiser at the De Vere, the first target of £100,000 came ever closer. £100,000 will mean 100 years of education in Lisa’s memory, becoming Lisa’s Legacy.
Lisa’s brother Ross has created a brilliant animated DVD of how the money has been raised – it was truly inspirational and helped to pull the coffer’s out of the guests’ pockets at the dinner in Southampton, fittingly called “Lisa’s Legacy”.
To date £20,000 has been given to students, and with an annual commitment of at least £12,000 the fund raising must continue. On November 16th five more students were awarded bursaries at the newly named Southampton Solent University. Over thirty people attended the ceremony where Pro-vice chancellor John Latham spoke on behalf of the university and Clive Wilson addressed the guests. At the end of the ceremony Tricia Wilson presented the cheques to the students.
New student intake
We can confirm that the second intake of students to benefit from the charity have now been named. This year there will be five new students who have been given the award of £1000 per annum. They are: Kate Hayne, 18, from Romsey; Stacey Parry, 18, from Bishops Waltham; Kim Curtis, 21, from Southampton; Xiadjuan Yan, currently residing in Southampton both on a top up degree; and Graham Hunter from Blantyre Glasgow who has been awarded the first sporting scholarship. On top of this, four students – James Denyer, Lucie Jones, Charlotte Field and Madina Boyo-Jalloh – have been accepted for the second year of their scholarships. Congratulations to all of you.
First students recieve their bursaries
At a moving ceremony at Southampton Institute carried out on October 7th four students received the first part of their annual bursary from the Lisa Wilson Scholarship Award. The bursaries were presented by Lisa’s mum Tricia Wilson who was joined by her husband Clive and her brothers Scott and Ross along with Kelly Wilson, Lisa’s sister-in-law. Around twenty people attended the ceremony including Geeta Uppal, Widening Participation Officer from the Institute, who has given so much to the organisation of these awards. Tom Thomas Dean of Southampton Institute Business School said a few words about the Fund and the benefits it would bring to students and introduced Clive Wilson who wished the students every success; he said “Lisa would be proud to know that she had helped these students further their education and achieve their University dream just like she had done.”

Pictured from left to right, Kirsty Baulcomb, Charlotte Field, Clive and Tricia Wilson, Lucie Jones and James Denyer.
First recipients of the Lisa Wilson Scholarship Award.