Nine students have recently continued on at Southampton into their second and third years and were awarded their bursaries accordingly; they were Tom Dowsett, Cherie Cross, Kirsty Anne Smithers, Kate Hayne, Denise Mutoni, Vanessa Langlais, Naomi Jane Linton, Kayleigh Doughty and Kemal Omag. This brings the number of students in university this year to fourteen and the total to receive bursaries to date to twenty seven.
Dinner party raises £4000
Tricia and Clive held a dinner party with their friends and charged £100 a couple with all proceeds going to the charity.
Clive had ‘bought’ the dinner party at a fund raising evening for another charity, the chef Gerhard from the Holiday Inn Southampton had previously cooked for former Prime Minister John Major and Prince Charles.
Henry Perkins documentary on BBC

Dinner and barn dance raises over £1200
Family friend Trevor Coombes held a barn dance and supper evening in Eastleigh and all the profits were donated to the charity. Also on the night Trevor auctioned a day at the races with Lisathedaddy was auctioned enabling the evening to raise over £1200. Thanks to Trevor and Julie and all concerned.
Lisathedaddy has a series of good races
Following Lisathedaddy’s great race at glorious Goodwood where she finished fourth, she went on to run another great race at Doncaster in a quality field and the day before Tricia’s birthday on September 21st she came in second also at Newbury. She is now having a rest for two months with a view of coming back to the all weather in December nice and fresh.